Thursday, July 9, 2009

More information reg

More information regarding reverse mortgages (

Tax Benefits for Job Seekers

Something you should know if you are looking for a job

Tax Benefits for Job Seekers,,id=210523,00.html

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Anthony Robbins Companies Presents - Peak Performance Strategy Session





Peak Performance Strategy Session

Strategies from "Unleash The Power Within"

"How to Thrive in a Changing Market"



What: A workshop that will provide you with the same strategies, communications skills, and physiology used by the world's top achievers to attain outstanding success and fulfillment.


Who:    Century 21 S.G.R., Inc. presents Seth Rowlands, a Peak Performance Strategist and National Speaker from the Anthony Robbins Company.


When:     6:00PM  Wednesday August 5, 2009


Where: 1254 West Jackson Blvd.

Chicago, IL 60607

Cost: Free



This workshop:     


. Accelerates an individual's success in this shifting market.

· Moves an individual through limitations toward resourcefulness!

· Cultivates a state of mental strength to overcome barriers!

· Closes the gap between where you are and where you want to be!   

· Breaks old patterns and creates empowering patterns of beliefs!  



Who should attend: Those who desire to learn cutting edge tools that will help overcome challenges and rapidly achieve personal and professional goals.


Registration: E-mail RSVP to or call 312-326-2121 ext. 725 for more information

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Seniors and Declining Housing Values

Seniors find themselves trapped between and "rock and a hard place" regarding their homes. As home values continue to decline across the country retirement and right-sizing might not be the viable option that one wonce thought.